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Old 02-02-2018, 10:43 AM
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Lacey was still in bed when it came time for May to leave for the Saturday morning art
class she taught at the local school. The brunette was a little nervous about how the
blonde would feel about last night in the cold light of day. She left a note and some
cinnamon rolls on the kitchen table and hurried off to her class.
As soon as she heard May's car pull away, Lacey wrapped herself in her robe and went
downstairs. She was starving, but she hadn't been ready to meet May. She hadn't had
time yet to sort out the previous night's lurid details. If she had talked to May now, she
was sure the brunette would know everything she had done from the embarrassed blush
on her face.
She devoured cinnamon rolls and coffee and read May's note: "Dear Lacey. Happy
Saturday morning! Hope you're feeling great after your long night's sleep. I'm looking
forward to lunch and a nice long talk when I get home. Take care. Love, May."
The note helped Lacey relax. May really did like her and care about her. Why should
she worry about trying to impress her? May would accept her... just as she was learning
to accept May, even with the sordid knowledge she had gained last night.
A violent throbbing in her pussy ushered in vivid memories of May's naked ass,
squirming back to meet the thrusts of the big dog's long hard cock. For a moment,
Lacey tried to drive the thoughts from her mind. But they enveloped her, engrossed her.
She found herself enjoying them...
Lost in her dreamworld Lacey was startled back to reality by an urgent banging at the
screen door. She rushed over to find Pogo wagging his tail at her, waiting to be let
inside. "Hi, Pogo. You hungry, boy?"
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